OSL - simple UV things and frac fract alternative
Here is a shoddy OSL shader that follow on from some of my GLSL experiments of yesteryear. I couldn't seem to find a frac or fract function, but fmod-ing (it's like modulo) against 1 does the same thing. I don't put any input parameters in this shader. EDIT - just saw someone else's code that use x-floor(x) for fract, which could be faster..who knows! Variables Lame an Cat are assigned to u and v, I then multiply them by different values and fmod them so they repeat 3 and 4 times. It seems like u and v will be taken automatically, which is nice. After that I do a bit of if statement colour assignment. shader use_uv(output color resultRGB = 0) { float lame=u; float cat=v; cat=fmod(v*3,1); lame=fmod(u*4,1); resultRGB = color(lame, v, 1); if(lame>0.5){ resultRGB+=color(0.3,0.4,0); } if(v<0.1){ resultRGB+=color(0...